‘Por Un Amor’ a la musica

Eddie Granados, Opinion Editor

The rumors are true. Franklin’s new Mariachi course is up and running.

The course is currently being taught by new Franklin instructor: Mike Hernandez. This class was a surprise to many, and a few were intrigued.

Although there is much talk about this class, not much is known, and a lot is left to learn about it.

The class is almost impossible to find without help from the office.

The teacher and class are literally nowhere to be found on the Franklin website, and only a select few staff have access to such information.

After much research and a lot of sweet talking the staff, one can find that the Mariachi class is in a small hallway next to the Magnet gym.

For such a big room, it was easily overlooked. No mariachi class is with – out a band, of course.

The Franklin Mariachi consists of trumpets, violins, violas, guitars and even a guitarr ó n .

Now, many might not know of the guitarr ón.

The guitarr ón is an acoustic bass guitar commonly used in mariachi mu – sic. It’s massive in size and is extreme – ly difficult to hold without a shoulder strap.

It has six huge strings that leave blisters on even the most calloused guitar player’s fingers. Students rotate in singing positions when not playing instruments. The current repertoire is mostly unknown but one song that is incapable of escaping anyone’s mind after hearing it performed: Por Un Amor.

Por Un Amor is a hearty ballad of someone singing their heart out about a love lost.

The song requires a strong and soulful voice to translate the story of an aching heart well.

Senior and singer Kyleen Salais does just that. Salais has a strong con – nection to the song, and it shows in her vocals.

“When I’m singing Por Un Amor, I think of my t Ías,” Salais said.

Salais says the song gives her a warm feeling that reminds her of “fami – ly” despite the meaning of the song be – ing heartbreak.

Salais’ warm and powerful vocals imitate one beautifully wailing over the one that got away, the strings cry with sympathy, guitars play a comforting melody and compliment the bold, blaring horns to create… Mariachi!

The tale of a broken heart and many more will soon be flooding the halls of Franklin as Hernandez plans to have small events and concerts to display the music they’ve worked end – lessly on.

“We’re going to be doing gigging,” Hernandez explains students will be “playing out in a formal or non-formal school function.”

This new course will be able to unite the students at Franklin more by bringing in a different style of music that many may not have heard of before.

New music, new songs, new course. You will be able to hear the beautiful song, Por Un Amor, blaring through the hallways of Franklin.