In memory of Betty White
January 31, 2022

Betty Marion White, age 99, passed away on December 31,2021, 3 weeks away from turning 100 years old. She was born on January 17,1922 in Oak Park, Illinois. Her family moved to Alhambra, California in 1923 when she was just a little over a year old and then later on moved to Los Angeles during the Great Depression. She attended Horace Mann Elementary School in Beverly Hills and then Beverly Hills High School. She graduated from high school in the year 1939 and soon after started off her career in entertainment.
In the 1940s she acted on various radio shows and in the year 1949 she began to regularly appear on television. She was mostly known for her comedy work on numerous television sitcoms, most famously The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Golden Girls.
Betty White’s legacy was not only in entertainment but in helping animals and improving their welfare. She also made the way for woman in television and was a big comedian as a whole.
Her recent works were on Saturday Night Live and Hot in Cleveland before she passed away. She hosted a variety of shows/parades, performed on a growing new format of television, which is now known as a game show.
Thank you, Betty White. Rest easy, we love you.