Journaling can help improve mental health
February 8, 2023
Journaling can seem like such a daunting task to add to your routine. Every day you have to dedicate effort to this new hobby that just takes up more time in your busy life. However, journaling has so many benefits to your personal state and health.
- Creative freedom
When you journal, there’s no science to it. Journaling has no rules, you can make up those rules and make up how you want to journal. The creative freedom to write what you want, to draw what you want, it’s freeing. If you don’t want to journal every day you can build your journaling schedule around your own. There are so many possibilities that you can explore.
- Track your goals and habits
Goals fall through and habits continue. Journaling can give you the space to grow the goals and habits you want. For the bad habits, you can see them all out on display and get the charge to change them. Writing your goals down gives you a higher chance of achieving them and tracking your habits gives you an overview to change/grow them.
- Letting go
As people, we tend to hold on to things, specifically the negative. Journaling gives you an outlet to write and release all the unfavorable emotions. Your problems, fears, anxieties, they can all be let go onto the page. Overthinking brings us down if we don’t let it go. Even if it is inevitable, it’s okay to think it but then you must let it go and journaling gives you the opportunity to do that.
- Self-care
Many people do not take their self-care seriously when it is one of the most important things in life. Journaling is definitely a method of self-care. Taking time to better yourself and reflect on your decisions will help you in the end. You cannot help anyone else until you truly know yourself. No matter what you think, you always come first.